15 Photos of the Quirky Art of Bombay Beach and the Salton Sea

Photographs of the unexpected art and architecture of Bombay Beach and the mysterious Salton Sea.

15 Photos of the Quirky Art of Bombay Beach and the Salton Sea

On the shores of the Salton Sea, the near ghost town of Bombay Beach hosts a fascinating collection of art and sculpture that suspends all preconceptions of what a small town is or should be.

Lead by the Bombay Beach Arts & Culture, they have organized the transformation and creation of pieces around the town. Through hosting artists in residence, they have achieved a quirky and intriguing collection that keeps you guessing on every street corner.

Bombay Beach Drive-In Theater

The Bombay Beach Drive-In a perfect example of the sense of humor the artists have infused into the town.

Bombay Beach California

Many of the pieces involve the graphic transformation of forgotten homes.

Bombay Beach California Abandoned House

As you pass by each one, you begin to wonder about the story that lead to this moment.

Bombay Beach California Art

Urban decay or art?

Bombay Beach Estates California

The gates to the defunct, albeit manufactured, Bombay Beach Estates housing community.

Bombay Beach Estates California

I don't know if it's supposed to be a secret but the Bombay Beach Estates was created by artists to be precisely what it looks like. Hundreds of hours of work and creativity went into it's placement and curation.

The Bomb Stops Here - Bombay Beach California

The town's sense of humor is always present.

Bombay Beach California

Bombay Beach is more than just abandoned buildings. Some people's homes have made the transformation to quirky art pieces too.

Bombay Beach California Metro

Down by the shoreline, you come across an area that looks like Burning Man came and never left.

Bombay Beach California

On the shoreline

Bombay Beach California

Art on the shoreline in Bombay Beach

Bombay Beach California Airplane Sculpture

The amazing airplane sculpture is an amazing feet of art and engineering. It's at this point you know you've seen something special and that you have to let more people know this exists.

Salton Sea State Park

As you leave Bombay Beach and drive along the Salton Sea, you begin to think about it's unusual beauty; a strange balance of the harshness of the desert with the sounds of waves rolling in from the lake.

Salton Sea - North Shore

Even outside Bombay Beach, you get the feeling that everything is a canvas for someone.

Salton Sea - Abandoned Train

Even a train marooned in the desert.

Salton Sea North Shore Community Center

North of Bombay Beach the community is coming together to provide for the people who call this area home. Even this building, the North Shore Beach & Yacht Club, was once abandoned but now serves as a community center and gym. Is it possible change will also come to Bombay Beach?

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